So I didn't write a New Years post, but I had a wonderful New Years with friends, family and JUST DANCE.
Since we're already in February, I wanted to remind everyone to LOVE. I don't go all out on Valentines Day, but I do take a moment to reflect on what Love means to me. If you stop and have a look around you, you can see it and feel it.
I have shot a few of these sessions and absolutely LOVE them! I know you may think it's somewhat uncomfortable... but I'm a Super Simple person. I would never ever make someone uncomfortable. In fact, we have a lot of fun on these types of sessions... I know there are so many types of Boudoir sessions. I try to keep my "tasteful". (thank you Miguel for that word). Someone described this image I posted as "Tasteful and Beautiful". I agree...
Such and exciting moment for these little guys. They started out Game #1 with a major LOSS. Yes, they got trampled. They fought for Game #2 and didn't stop Fighting. These guys really proved that hard work pays off. Last year, I believe they lost every game... This year... CHAMPIONS!!! OH!! and did I mention it was POURING RAIN??!!!?? Yes, game rain or shine. So I know they were excited to play in the rain... but were the parents excited to sit in the rain? Heck YA!!! We as parents couldn't have been more proud...
As my "man in my next life "Mr. Dwayne"the Rock"Johnson would say "TEAM BRING IT"!!!
This little lady was such a Joy to work with. Mommy had her ready and fed and she was ready to work. She was less than 2 weeks old which makes it a little easier for me to work with. Absolute Joy!
So with all the Grandkids in our family... Grandma finds that it's getting more and more difficult to purchase gifts for each grandchild. So this year, she decided to rent a Cabin and take our families to the mountains. Our kids wanted to go to the snow SooOOooO bad! The moment they stepped outside... the were COLD! WEAK-Sauce! We enjoyed our family time together and the kids had a full day of sledding. My daughter complained that entire day how cold she was and how she wanted to sit in the car. Turns out she had a fever and double ear infection.... Urgh! Nothing like coming down the mountain and heading towards urgent care. Other than that... we had a great trip and built lots of Memories...
This would be my son who did NOT want to take a photo! C
So I just wanted to give a Big Shout Out to my Canvas Contest Winners! They were such a fun couple to work with and willing to do whatever works... Congrats you two!!!