So, after many many tears, Yes... I cried. The BLOG is Back... (somewhat)
Like I don't have enough on my plate... Little ol me decided to one day change up the Blog. So I went in and picked out an ever so simple background and added it in... Well it was in alright... and in so much, that it cut off Half my Photos. Every Photo Shoot was cut in half. Now I'm sure most of you would have thought WOW... She's not Half Bad.... Ahhhh HA HA HA HA... Ok... yes I think i'm funny...
So I just didn't go to it anymore. I went on Blogging STRIKE!
Tonight was the first night I worked up the guts to take it on again... and here is the outcome. It's not Bad, but you know this is as good as it's gonna get for a while. I honestly care more about my Photos then work on this Lame-O blog.
So Enjoy Everyone... It's made me CRY