It's not often I get asked to take photos "at Home". We often get caught up with the impression that photos need to be Perfect. Perfect dress, Perfect Smile, Perfect Setting... and I understand to some extent... but... What if you're a mom who sees beyond that? What if you want to Remember your children "at Home"? What they did, how they did it, what they played with or even they're favorite drawing? I know as a mother it's something I want to cherish forever. It's something you'll remember and have documented just for you. It's something only you can understand... I must say that after hanging around this family for an hour or so, made me more Real. I know you're probably wondering how so? Everyday you get caught up in your own personal Life. It's just what it is... but when you get to focus in on another, a whole new level of Respect opens up inside of me. That's why I LOVE what I do. I love that I get to see Beyond a Photo. I see so much More.

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