Today I was woken up by the lovely sound of my Blackberry. My "GONG" ringtone on my facebook app has gone MAD! I thought I was a contestant on "The Gong Show" until I picked up the phone (because I sleep with it)then adjusted my eyes to focus and saw How many of my Peeps wake up so dang Early!!! LOL. Gosh, leave it to the Power of Facebook to make it so easy to tell someone Happy Birthday. Just a Simple "Happy Birthday" or "Have a Great Day" really does start your Birthday out GREAT! I am so Blessed to have such an AMAZING FAMILY and Awesome People in my Life. My heart holds a special place for every single one of you... Whether I see you everyday, if I don't see you everyday, if we're related, if we're not related, if you have me on your facebook, or if you've even taken me off your facebook..(clear my throat)LOL... You still have been apart of me in one way or another... So I THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOO MUCH for such a Great start to what I know is going to be an AMAZING YEAR and the Years to Follow....... xoxoxox
My Sisters Family showing the LOVE just right outside my door... Thank you!!!

My 4 year old Daughter made me the breakfast of Champions- I love that GIRL!

Ok... so the girl LOVES Chocolate... Which girl doesn't?
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