Worked with another Amazing Family. Choosing locations that aren't so clean around the edges really makes a photo "POP". It takes some rough locations and a Beautiful Family.
Spring is Here and I am so excited to share this Amazing Family Session. These images are so Fresh and the lighting is Stunning... but none of that compares to how fabulous my clients look... This Family is A for Adorable! :)
Hello again. No I didn't fall off a bridge... I've just been crazy busy. I wanted to get the Blog going again and try to stick to a strict blogging schedule. So here I am.
With this session... we knew we wanted an Urban Feel. You can never go wrong with Bricks.... but honestly, when your scoping out locations, it's more about the light than anything else. I always say you can take a good picture Anywhere... as long as there is good light. I had the honor of photographing this Fantastic Family (clear my family) and we all had a really good time. xoxo
My friend was visiting today with her new little guy... You can't visit with a new baby and not get a photo!!! Hello!!!!... So this is what we got. A 5 minute session is what we got and this is the fastest newborn session on this planet.
I wanted to do a Laundry Shoot for a Family Session. I had this family all lined up and they weren't too keen on having them taken this way... So it burned and burned inside me and I just had to make it possible. Guess it's time to load up the kids... I called my little Bro for help and we went for a little walk with a wagon full of fun props! Best last minute decision ever!