
More than Clients

I love that fact that my clients are my friends. They were either friends to begin with, or friends that I've made. People are able to be themselves around me, and feel comfortable in front of my camera. That's very important in a business like mine. I just create a moment, and let it unfold.
I'm always honored to photograph this family because I've seen their story and have documented it for them. It's not just a photograph, it's a STORY. A story that you're going to share one day with your children and grandchildren. I've always said, if there was ever a fire (knock on wood) and everyone got out safely... What's the one item i'd run in to save?... It would be my photos, my story...my families story. Photographs are irreplaceable. That's why I am so blessed to do what I do, and I take it way more serious than just taking a photo. I tell the story, and make friend along the way....

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